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九年级英语导学案 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

时间:2024-05-21 06:15:16
九年级英语导学案 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious![本文共826字]

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

                   Period 2 Section A(3a-3c)          2018.9.26

What to learn

1. 学习与中秋节有关的词汇,了解中秋节的由来。               

2. 学会用英语复述中秋节故事。

3. 了解更多中华传统节日,传承节日文化。



How to learn



Let’s learn

Task 1. Review the new words of P11 (复习11的新单词)

Task 2. 导入:1Do you like the Mid-autumn Festival?

2What did you do on the Mid-Autumn Festival?

Task 3. 听录音,选择最佳选项

-What story is the article about?

-It is about ________.

A. the story of Wu Gang

B. the story of a rabbit

C. the story of Change

Task 4. 中英匹配

(   )1. in the shape of                     A.射下

(   )2. carry peoples wishes                B.摆开

(   )3. shoot down                        C.传统

(   )4. steal                              D.与某人分享某物

(   )5. admire                            E.飞向

(   )6. folk                              F.拒绝去做某事

(   )7. tradition                          G.如此….以至于

(   )8. fly up to                          H.民间的

(   )9. lay out                          I.以…的形状

(   )10. so...that...                       J.寄托着人们的愿望

(   )11. share sth. With sb.                K.

(   )12. refuse to do sth.                  L.欣赏

Task 5. Read Para 2 and match the characters with what they did.



Task 5. 仔细阅读课文,完成3b任务并核对答案

Task 6. 根据课文内容,完成3c任务


Lets practice

(     )1.________ he isI want to see him/her.

AWho  BWhere    CWhen  DWhoever

(    )2.He wished that he ________ fly to the moon.

Acan  Bwill    Ccould  Dmust

(   )3.—What' s the problem?

—There were________ many people ________ get in.

Aso; to  Btoo; to    Cso; that

(    )4.—What did he do then?

—He ________ there and ________ that he was ill.

Aliedlied  Blaylied   Clieslay

(   )5.Nowadays the air problem gets ________

Amore and more serious Bmuch and much serious Cmore and much serious

Lets think



《九年级英语导学案 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious![本文共826字].doc》
